About the Advisory Committee
The Anderson County Museum Advisory Committee was established in 1983 when the museum was founded. Our Advisory Committee members are passionate about the preservation of history and the importance of education. They host community events throughout the year, including the Anderson County Museum Hall of Fame .
Appointed by the Anderson County Council, the museum Advisory Committee serves as public ambassadors for the museum. This committee is a source of communication between the museum staff and the County Council. The Advisory Committee is responsible for all aspects of the ACM’s Hall of Fame Program.
The Advisory Committee members are appointed by Anderson County Council. The committee functions and is governed by the State of South Carolina, County of Anderson ordinance 99-018. The current Advisory Committee members are listed below.
District 1
Dr. Elizabeth Harris, Secretary
Kathryn Smith
District 2
Valerie L. Stewart
District 3
Cheryl Froman
Dr. Julia Barnes, Vice Chair
District 4
Dr. Tim Drake
Roger McKinley, Chair
District 5
Elma Norris
Reba Martin
District 6
Carol Green
Lowry Wilson
District 7
Ricky Bell
Marion Middleton, Jr.